"The values of an IBSM Mindset are forged; on an ethos of humility, respect, self-discipline, self-awareness, self-motivation, honesty, integrity,
a classless society, an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, whilst upholding a sense humour at all times."
(Based upon words spoken, and implemented by; "David Sterling" founder of the SAS)
First & foremost, you can be all you want to be, "you
just need the right mindset", control over your emotions, determination, and desire... anyone who
questions that ask them who they have ever mentored or helped climb the ladder and how, and where is that person now, what’s
their training process, can you view their project files/systems to see their standards,
what have they achieved, we are
"what we do, and have done that defines us" - simple, not who we sit with or know...
Do not be afraid "in a light-hearted way" to test your boss indirectly (do not be cheeky/get in trouble), to ensure you are not wasting your life, explain what you do not know and would like to know/understand and if they do not know and are honest which is fine then at least ask them for direction, even if its spending the day on-site with the trades/specialists if they will aid in explaining things, remembering "making mistakes is not an issue, it is the not knowing how to get out of them that is the issue", thats when the right mindset and motivation kicks in.
You want strong supporters/mentors
that train you, direct you, and importantly have time for you, it is difficult but if you feel you do not understand someone always stand up and request advice how to advance in that area, do not just be afraid to stand out wanting because it takes integrity to be honest and admit your abilities and in-turn your needs - you can always use the IBSM scoring matrix as a starting point but I would recommend trainees focus on the physics, time (programming) and costing, become confident in one aspect at a time but mix it up and take time out do not fry your brain(s) trying to take in too much, too fast.
Why do we visit universities before signing up, choosing hospitals if able to have an operation, choose the right school for kids? - it’s the same thing -choosing/accepting a bad boss/line manager and/or company, can make or break your career, training, knowledge, future and even waste time in your life.
The videos, and words on this page and it's links, are intended to motivate you, but also to think laterally about M&E, and
indirectly assist your mindset … (Ketley)
page is NOT intended as neither a political or hearts-and-minds
broadcast, it is to merely to provide an insight for others to use or
dismiss - their/your choice, but also for them/you to reflect on their/your own
outlook on work, coming from
a person with near 30 years, working from the bottom up, always
adapting and evolving alongside "the good, the bad & the ugly" within the construction-engineering industry.
Nowadays PM/BSM's have become in the "majority" somewhat punchbags, whilst the abilities lacked are conducted by others, even worse nowadays people do not want any responsibility again in the "majority", they want to sadly avoid any responsibility, or hold autonomy for an easy risk-free life.
If you ask a PM/BSM what’s the program you
are pointed to the planner, if you ask what’s the commercial position you are
pointed to the QS, if you ask about site you are pointed to the site manager,
and if you ask them to make a decision, well then they walk off to make a call to their
boss - Sound familiar?
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new"
life is not, and will never be your work! your work is just a small
part in your life, which becomes easier in time by the person you
become, whilst doing and becoming better at it, never forget that, you
are important, first, foremost and always... (Ketley)
When the work-life balance becomes too unbalanced, one will always suffer, and eventually result in the others failure (both require constant attention)
- therefore a healthy, rested mindset, and a balanced well-being between work and
life, is the key to sustained performance, much failure in this subject matter has seen an increase in mental health issues year-on-year, so the evidence is undeniable.
"The values of an IBSM are forged on an ethos of humility, respect, self-discipline, self-awareness, self-motivation, honesty, integrity, always within a classless society, with an unrelenting pursuit of /for excellence, whilst upholding a sense humour,"
A lot of
companies have what are regarded as "resource", which are essentially
"floor walkers", that are somewhat just "goal-hangers", relying on whether the company
enters into contract with the right trade professionals, and if all goes they well
stand back, and take all the praise!, but if all goes wrong, well it's the poor commercial decisions, wrong program, and the subcontractor were wrong for the project.
(Same old story - they should of done the summary and recommendation - this should be done to safeguard the BSM position even if it will be over-ruled by the powers above, to just prove poor decision making if anything, this is an easy exercise, and when done right it does make the difference!)
But this only usually occurs past the point of no-return, and/or at the end of the project, when they should of been tracking, monitoring, facilitating/owning the services management works properly, instead of just standing around clueless. (punchbags).
When things go bad.
To add when things go really go bad and the M&E PM/BSM is under the spotlight ndn was not the right person for the project/role in the first place, there are a range of repeated magical things, that occur, time-and-time again, ranging from sudden illness, and/or previously undisclosed personal/health issues, which often result in them leaving swiftly, after a few days of pre-planning their departure, on their phone to agencies or alike, and a last minute so-called M&E hero is/has to be parachuted in (knee-jerk hiring again in most cases), to either save the day, or often painfully finish the job (blaming their predecessor).
But not all people can do it/learn it, to be a good services management professional you need start off life being prepared to over-think problems, work unpaid time, think about work when you should be enjoying time off, study what you hear but-do-not understand, learn from mistakes (nothing different than going through any training course) - it’s a journey which makes circa 80% of any company almost kept afloat by the circa 20% top/actual performing/competent staff, whatever their profession may be, that actually puts the time/effort in.
"Do not allow yourself, to think someone in a senior position, is someone on whom to model yourself, there are more unworthy people in leadership roles, than actual real worthy leaders. Nowadays people are given elevated titles in all industries, just for being in the right place at the right time, or more often just for being "yes" managers, and easy to manage and control, you can be your best-self on your own merit, learn to be just you!, not someone else.
Know your real worth, and you will find you're not interested in peoples titles, or their behaviour, in fact you will find yourself laughing to yourself (inside!), and instead notice their insecurities in the way they act, and why they act that way, and not their title!" - "Work is something we do to live, We do not live to work" -
"So focus on you, until the focus is on you!" (Ketley)
One thing that often occurs is an assistant on the verge of moving up, is placed on a project without any real support, they get through said project due to subcontractors processes/management, then they ask for promotion and/or leave for one, they get made up to BSM/PM or worse a senior, then if they are not regarded as being good at their job, they are referred to/looked as "floor walking resource" BSM/PMs, then one day they leave chasing money or simply running away when issues arise, and all of a sudden they are sacked after a short period, because they are not to the standard the title commands. But is it their fault or is it due to money/job titles/project wins requiring fast/knee-jerk hiring, and/or simply a lack of internal training/processes that drives-out the standards/ability?.
Keevan recalls
at one company a "services manager" wished to leave due to the stress also
stating he envisaged a "nervous breakdown" approaching, Keevan
took all the admin, reporting, meetings, tracking, programming, commissioning
etc. off his plate (all the work!) and told him to just essentially take it easy, hit the reset
button, and just floor-walk for a while, the individual still left, saying it
was still too much for him, when he did not have anything to do!...
Guess what? when Keevan moved to another company said "services manager" was working at that company hiding in their ranks, so not all make the cut, even when they do not have any responsibility, but survive in their role until found out/tested, then jump-ship, and start over with a new creative CV but sadly they haven't learnt anything, but how to chase agencies and make-up excuses. Now, at times they are just surviving whilst doing the best they can, not knowing how to progress due to being too embarrassed to ask for help, but need money to pay their bills which is understandable to a point, but often made worse when they cannot be bothered to enhance/aid their limited skill-set (if there is, or ever was one!), and learn, evolve or even ask for help, and lets not forget, also what they are actually getting paid for!, which is a sad place to be in.
The first thing they do always learn, and always become master's in, is completing their timesheets and cost-coding themselves to jobs, not forgetting their expenses...
You cannot force someone to try to be/do better or even to "want" to, they need the desire and determination to succeed in the first place, but you can always try to make them think!.
way to simply sum it
would be to use our special forces in the military/any service, ask
anyone who has served,
they will agree it is not their fitness, muscle or being strong, years
spent existing in the ranks,
or whom they have in their phonebook, or worse of all the
brown nosing "yes" people, that gets you through training and tests
required to join an elite unit - it
is quite simply having, the right "mindset" some are borne with it,
others can adapt to it, and learn their abilities under pressure, and the
remainder just continue in short "existing" elsewhere...
It is so important
to invest in the right management, for years so called "yes" people/managers, have
succeeded with surviving in both construction and engineering, due to simply being easy to control, manage,
rubbish to and/or even blame as easy targets,
opposed to having competent candidates who may be opinionated (for good reason)
due to having a much higher skill-set/level of experience, speaking their own mind, yet held back
essentially for being too clever for their own good, as they become threats due to the simple fact that they challenge the norm in the industry/company yet no progression was ever made from remaining stagnant day-in-day-out, which is actually a truely great quality yet not always rewarded as such in some companies with insecure people in them, but ask yourselves, where would mankind be now if no one ever challenged physics, and/or invented the new world we now live in, there would be no progress without those people asking simple questions, such as how can we improve things...
It has been an industry handbrake for years, and a shame as the resulting effect of this means that more people leave companies due to being over-looked and not appreciated by poor management, this in-turn creates poor company performance, process and management/deliverables, eventually breaking down the individual’s that don't move on, because they remain untrained and end up coexisting in their environments, believing they are doing their role to a high standard simply by being continually employed (but if they were taken out of their comfort zone, they would be found out/wanting, in many areas/aspects relating to their role).
On the flip side of that coin, if they were acknowledged and time was invested in them (with
a system of proven, detailed, and monitored improvement), and
they were allowed to progress, they could be top performers, but
sadly end up co-existing in a somewhat dormant state year-on-year never
progressing, dragging themselves through life, week-by-week.
Ketley made a new tracking system on his program software whereby he added a linked admin section back to the project files so that he could find future issues a single program droplined, and as long as nothing is behind one could just agree no further action, but if there is any lag behind the line the information could be accessed from the one program document, he did that proactive add-in into his programming for tracking of admin updating which serves best when one may be managing more than one project, it beats outlook reminders and/or wall planners/diaries etc. now he could of just read a book in hospital, but he it is that thirst for knowledge, and wanting to make things are fluid as possible that makes a person, "that person" if you get the expression?...
This video is a collation of Einstein's quotes, that if listened to, whilst implying real reasoning, and basic simple, yet still overlooked common sense. You should try to understand the underlying meaning of each one of them.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself,
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man" (George Bernard Shaw)
“A good leader must be: confident
but not cocky; courageous but not foolhardy; competitive but a gracious loser;
attentive to details but not obsessed by them; strong but have endurance; a leader and follower; humble not passive; aggressive not overbearing;
quiet not silent; calm but not robotic, logical but not devoid of emotions;
close with the troops but not so close that one becomes more important than
another or more important than the good of the team; not so close that they
forget who is in charge. Able to execute extreme ownership, while exercising decentralised command. A good leader has nothing
to prove, but everything to prove.”
"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you", "There are already anoth primadonnas in all aspects relating to
construction-engineering, than the entire history of "Opera", so let's be honest, clear, and concise in terms of the true reality!"... (Ketley)
Keevan stands back, and views problems from
all directions to find solutions never looking in a linear mindset at problems, but laterally-tearing
them into pieces and rebuilding them back together more suitably to find solutions, and if one cannot be found, he'll make one.
"That way you will reach your goal(s), and they/others will
never see you coming"...
Here is a simple thing, yet a very effective example of time management in an indirect manner, to add, a simple hour hiking or walking, although not related to work itself it will certainly aid your working day.
Get up early and get a head start on others.
Early morning time-out’s, can do wonders in productivity during your day, benefiting from the calmness of the outdoors, destressing the mind fog whilst planning your day in order of priority.
Remember a person can sit at a desk for 12 hours each and everyday, even spending 3-4 hours commuting, but in the end, they only become “in-body” attending walking zombie like characters, whilst they start missing things, making mistakes as the brain is not wired to be productive that way, they may clock in-and-out the office physically, but mentally they become borderline cataonics.
The human body was never made nor did it evolve, to sit on a chair all day everyday,
and the brain wasn’t meant to think about one subject all day everyday neither, so always mix
things up, to allow the mind and body to rest/reset.
Learn to play something, such as a four-step chess for starters, it will aid you in thinking many steps ahead, and therefore in-turn aid work activites such as tender and project reviews/reports, project forecasts, meeting items to complete, reports, open items to track/close-out and importantly patience, coupled with the ability to start gauging other people’s reactions to your actions and strategy, prior to you implementing anything.
(Link below although based on "Chess", can be adapted to your role/mindset)
Keevan admits, he has suffered in his work/life balance during his career both directly and indirectly (by others), and by using exercise, and having goals, he has over come many issues. This "mindset"
comes from experience, yet is still always learning both in work and his personal life (we are always learning, and it never stop learning), hence why it
is important to prioritise things, and not waste our time over-thinking about
things, outside our control.
"It's a waste of life, and you only have one"
Watch this from an episode
of "Tyson Fury", and well done to him for his honest interview.
"Stress is a big
problem in our industry for those that actually do the job, look afterself and be kind to others, and if you are being given too much work to do, stand up and say it's too much, audit your statement(s), to later cover yourself, thereby placing that person, directly in a position to explain their actions ,and you may just find they back down. "There is no place for bullying in our industry, or anywhere in the world for that matter!, people that scare others for either losing their jobs, or even worse their personal safety, are in fact very weak individuals themselves, and serve no part in our industry" (Ketley)
"If someone is having
an issue, help them with it, opposed to ignoring them, it shows leadership and character." - "Remember making mistakes is never the problem (It actually aids your progression!), it's not knowing how to get out of them mistakes, that's the real problem to solve" (Ketley)
"Do not go where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are"
(Niccolo Machiavelli)
"The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength"
(Marcus Aurelius)
"The Mind should be allowed some relaxation, that is may return to its work all the better for the rest"
you are reading this, and you are feeling in a bad
way, remember it is nearly always >90% in your own head, and doesn't
exist in reality
- so speak to someone, and seek help, there is no shame in it, in fact a
admitting they are in need, are in fact displaying character, trust and
humanity. We are all human, and all have the same; "Single point of failure" - "Our Hearts" (Ketley)
Listen to the words carefully, what’s not right in you for
some, may be exactly what is right for someone else, (you just have not met yet), Hard
work putting in the effort drives towards success, have a vision and know what
you want.
Personally I love the ending I say that as it, sets my mind when
people that simply "just don’t get it" talk rubbish and you think I
wonder if this person would even succeed in a McDonalds drive through... Talk the walk...
I personally think alot of this guy, he doesn't pretend who he is, where he’s
from, and the work he put in to get there (nor did Arnold Schwarzenegger" watch his speech above) , he didn’t hang around in pubs brown
nosing directors, or trying to win an Oscar at work for "best pretending M&E
manager" actors award - he put the work in simple, the amount of useless overhead in the
industry is huge, and as trainees you ask yourselves over-and-over what’s the
point of that person being here or on the jobs prelims, but that happens
everywhere it’s called "resource" (floor-walkers) and makes the
numbers up on organograms etc. Chancers beware I have a way of finding you out professionally, so learn or go...
Don't start-off already preparing/planning for a plan B, know what you want, and work your backside off to get it, and do not be afraid of failure, failure is good - listen to "Arnie" explain why failure is good and teaches us to progress.
Now to all you trainees/assistant, go be your best self and be all you can be by doing the best you can, or join the floor-walking catatonic resources, highly experienced in watching laptop screens, that say yes to everything/one, with no dignity, morals, honour, respect yourself, and wasted life, I am never interested in company awards dressed in black tie ready for the LinkedIn pics, propping bars, telling lies to impress dressed to look richer than they are, wanting to make everyone like me, everything I do, and/or have every done has been for the benefit of the project/business.
Remember it’s the men/women with tool bags, not handbags that
build jobs…
"Example In the special forces missions are given to the sergeant major of that chosen squadron (if SAS), and it is planned and delivered by the SM down after a briefing with the team brainstorming the best plan, then the SM makes the final decision, the officers simply tell them what they need doing/the mission – main contracting managers have started to think they know best at everything, and better than the trades, and at times often fall on their sword, whilst having their card marked, and end up not liked/avoided, and the relationships break down – treat everyone with how you’d like to be treated yourself, and listen to their reasons for doing things the way they have done, prior to just snagging them for example, it may of just saved the job cost/time and/or done it a better way…"
"Physics, strategic and lateral thinking, problem finding/solving, planning/programming the full "IBSM" takes brains anyone can learn to use a calculator, or simply ask their boss what to do about everything, it’s being that person that can survive anywhere in any company without any help and succeed on their own - that’s an IBSM manager and the mindset, anyone can be a yes-person, and just be happy being micro-managed..."
If you are going to manage people, be a good manager - even just to simply manage yourself, you must understand when work is taking its toll on your health, and to establish safe-guarding measures for your own/their work life balance. It is a real manager, that can help others even putting others before oneself, but you cannot help if you are in trouble also...
M&E managers will
encounter the issue of linear thinking alot during their careers, when either
working for a somewhat "stuck" in their ways company and/or their
boss, who has been sat in the same chair for decades, thinking they have all
their ducks in a row, and are inturn NOT open to change, they just want an easy life, and therefore your lateral thinking mindset will not be harnessed nor appreciated.
"The only real valuable thing is intuition"
(Albert Einstein)
Ignore others, and have your own mind, whilst remembering years back when asked if UK special forces were better than any other, a UK/NATO spokesman said all members of NATO's special operations team train, and share techniques including their training methods/lessons learnt etc. between one another, therefore all have access to the same training, it’s how they choose to implement it that differs.
In construction those
managers who have not ventured outside their company
some cases)
for decades, have not had access to those other techniques and life lessons, they therefore needed to organically
adapt by whom they hired, watching and learning from them, if they have the
desire to get better that is!, noting some don't, and are happy to use others as just resource
which is fine as long as they pass on autonomy - otherwise people leave after a while
anyway if they have anything about them - it’s been a repeated
for decades.
"What you are is what you have been, What you'll be is what you do now"
Noting, once you gain experience you will
hopefully enhance/build-upon yourself-for-yourself, working under your own autonomy, SF teams are made
up of NCO's (SM down) who plan their own missions and just obtain their objectives
from their CO's, now relating that to the construction world would look like; the site team
should/would be able to plan their own strategy working with autonomy, and just
update the office - NOT be micro-managed by difficult line-management floating away in the clouds somewhere, whilst not wanting to be questioned, as to
why you are doing things your way in the first place - you are the operator(s) built with
experience, their job is to support you, NOT undermine and question you, if you
were not upto the job you shouldn't of been given it in the first place, and if you are someone that likes to be a "yes" manager, always seeking approval, well then you need to start learning to make your own decisions whilst not calling yourself a manager, you are a coordinator if you act like that!.
Now when you think about that statement it makes sense, that a seasoned services
manager, that has worked in different companies will always have a more rounded mindset than "institutionalised" individuals that have only their linear mindset, as they do not know any better, yet may be directing their services team with a limited/restricted capability unbeknown to themselves.
Therefore, "less intelligent people were happier to be with friends", as it helped them to solve challenges. But "more intelligent people were happier being alone", as they could solve challenges on their own.
So why show this, well Keevan has been asked why he prefers to be left alone when he is sorting services issues out and quite simply, it is because when working in a main-contracting environment he will be the only person that fully understands the issues from his prospective as he will often be looking far ahead, and not in the near-and-now, so people question him asking why he is doing things, this creates a sphere for good services managers where they need to sit isolated in their so-called "dark art" by the builder, when in fact it is often due to solving issues better alone, thus isn't always the case but he believes he finds answers to issues faster when left alone to think them out to conclusion, so here it is shown as one example as to maybe why?. - In fact it even "Nikola Tesla" that always said his best ideas came from being alone!...
This video was chosen as it represents a good example (both as a team, and a solo in one video) of spatial awareness (coordination), control/balance, memory and implementing rehearsed/planned moves (The program and your part in it) and most importantly teamwork (Project team) as formation skydiving is very unforgiving, unlike when on your own (watching-out, for eachothers actions), because your actions can hurt, even kill people, whereas jumping on your own you have only yourself to look after...
Both are meant for you to interpret, and consider as a way of either working as just a lone-wolf, covering just for yourself (your works/discipline ) letting others fail around you, if thats their path/fate, as long as you are ok! (at times you will/may not be liked/popular by all at work, just for doing your job, and you will need to look after yourself simply to survive/get paid), and the other shows how some people prefer to/only operate well in/as a team, progressing forward together (synergy), whilst always helping one another, and others learn...
(The main thing is being able to do both very well consistently, to make a IBSM (1%er))
Editing Recovery: June 19th 2023 - Jan 15th 2024 (30Wks. Part 1) / Jan 15th 2024 - TBC (Part 2)
A two-part video, showing Keevan's recovery, he was told he could lose the use of his arm, but against the odds and refusing to accept, the likely/stated outcome he used his determination, and investigated how to best aid the body, in repairing itself, including adding strong daily supplements, a mass of painful physio, a difficult training routine/program.
He researched methods and studied "white papers" on proven research, written post real life test studies by medical PHD professors in different countries (not yet prescribed in UK), then put them together into a plan for himself, he went on to eventually beat those odds.
It tested him to a point he had not encountered before in life, nevertheless it taught him more about himself in the first six months, than his previous entire school-of-life, therefore aiding the "every cloud has a silver lining" statement and mindset.
The idea to video at set-points in his recovery started in Hospital, after he was told it would aid others due to the complex procedure undertaken, to display how recovery would and could look-like for others to understand, how with hard work a full recovery would/can be possible, granted at the time no one knew if it even would even work properly for him, but the discussion was at the very least, motivating nevertheless...
He essentially made his body his project, using his work mind skill-set on his own body, procuring supplements, tracking progress and targeting gains whilst ensuring pure focus on himself for himself.
"If a person cannot focus on themselves, how could they be expected to give focus on anything such as work, adding if a person would give up on their own health and wellbeing, wouldn't they also do alike, during hard times at work" - "Makes sense!" (Ketley)
When he was told he may never raise his arm above his head, or even against gravity! ("Yes" - a hanging arm - Basically held in place by skin, and a sling!)
“He replied, smiling whilst nodding his head!”
“I ain’t broken, Just awoken”
“That’s where this video’s title came from below, albeit he was on alot of med’s at the time, so maybe a little philosophical”
These private videos are only shown on here, to display dedication and that a person can overcome challenges no matter how big they are - it’ is all in the "mindset"... (They were made for the hospital at their request originally as a tracking tool, and to show others)...
"Some free advice for trainees/assistances, to maybe keep in mind and/or consider"
Always ask, always learn, and always want to know as much as possible about everything, through knowledge we progress and move forward, but like watering a plant it grows intime with constant watering, there’s no faster way of growing it, such as throwing it in a bath of water, that will not make it grow faster.
"There is such a thing as hitting the ground running, but if you have no ability you won't get very far, remember everyone starts their life one step at a time"...
"Experience & Knowledge, both come from repeating success "over-and-over",
and learning from mistakes, and I too have made my own fair share - that’s it"
"Your legacy is what you do now and have done, and is what defines who you are and one day were and remembered for, and certainly NOT being a "yes" nodding pet, riding along lifes path just existing, leaving their world behind with nothing to be remembered for, but getting paid for nodding their heads never making any difference - even to help others makes a difference"
All trainee/assistant/junior services managers should focus on understanding physics, mathematics, planning, strategic management, enjoying their journey and NOT race for job titles wanting to be a senior whilst getting paid more as fast as possible, the massive hunger to jump into leadership roles is often one of the biggest failures whether apparent immediately, or just raising its head from time-to-time as they continue with what becomes the start of their acting career. A M&E PM or BSM, will know in the first few minutes of meeting during discussions if you know your job or not (if they are good they will use your disadvantage to their advantage, if they are really good they will indirectly mentor you whilst still using it to their advantage).
If a manager has their own way of doing things (yet keeping inline with company/industry process) they will be a better manager, than the one that just fills in the standard files/proformas on their server, those types lean more towards coordinators, not managers. Managers are both students and mentors in one (always learning), adapting to ever changing conditions, not merely to facilitate but also to innovate. Personally Keevan has found managers comimg from an experience running their own companies on a profit/loss basis, and/or off the tools having worked their way up, almost always make better/more-rounded managers than classroom only/educated managers.
Albeit, if a manager has a thirst for detail coupled with a love for physics and mathematics, that will certainly go a long way no matter the background as their brains will usually be laterally calculating and strategic driven to put it simply - thinkers...
There is such thing as a group/team/department of managers all being equally on par with one another, delivering their works to the same standard, only good mangers often made/expected to work to a lower standard to match the less capable thereby enabling department consistency in hope of all moving forward together, thereby also providing an easier life for those seasoned managers. "Learn the job before the title!!!"
"The reason most people fail instead of succeed, is they trade what they want most for what they want in the moment"
(Napoleon Bonaparte)
"Feed them excrement and keep them in the dark (away from any/all sensitive matters), you should always attempt to be professional, kind and courteous, but at same the time you should mark a poisonous/toxic person's card to protect oneself - but in a smart lateral-thinking strategic mindset, never driven by your emotional feelings - be clever, even creative..."
"So head-down and deliver, it’s that simple, get paid and remember to live life, don't take things personally let karma do it's job, including wasting time/life worrying about things outside your control."
"Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us it is not"
(Oscar Wilde)
Furthermore many (not all) “Heads/Principles” of departments, are only “Heads/Principles” of said departments, because they have learned not to argue with the board, and survive in the ranks for decades, purely byway of always saying "yes, no problem or we can do it" - no matter if it is right or wrong, whilst being masters in hiding their own lack of competence, knowledge and/or basic understanding of the matter in hand - but if this is the case it isn't your problem to fix or even worry about...
(Note: This is not representative of all, but leans towards the majority, there are indeed real leaders in our industry - just not as many as we need/would like)
Once you become a debate-master the clock is ticking towards your demise in most cases, albeit if you are lucky to work for management that value you being good/competent/strategic/clever at your job, and not just a head nodder, you have somewhat found the holy-grail in an employer (well done and enjoy), because not all companies do, remember a company is only as good as it's people.
"Only really good, confident leaders in management, enjoy being proved wrong in any subject matter, because they enjoy learning and progressing from it, and they treat it as an opportunity, to improve themselves. Insecure management may take it as a threat and/or criticism, but if they were to accept and learn from it, they would actually progress in themselves and infact display real character" (Ketley)
A simple example, only shown to display, how doing things that are very important are not always acknowledged, appreciated, or even understood, but still should always be carried out...
Shown here is a BMS
monitoring system being proved, labelled, and protected by Keevan himself,
opposed to the subcontractor wanting to run new cables in the enabling phase. Due to their lack of lateral thinking ability, unbeknown to them they were actually taking a massive risk if allowed to do this, but they were indirectly
protected by Keevan rolling his sleeves up and showing his methodology to keep it
client managed/risk owned, and it being accepted by the existing building FM team.
Keevan wanted to keep
existing cabling protected in-situ, to omit risk of and new cable network taking responsibility on
the existing/retained plant during the enabling phase, that were monitoring constant
flooding, as the Basement Level 3 (below ground sump pumps) was below the water
table hence the building was in fact always flooding hence why five bore-holed
twin sump-pump arrangements were in place.
Keevan was changing their power over to his temps, hence wanting to verify the monitoring/BMS network which he wanted to continue being managed/monitored by the buildings FM provider.
Keevan was questioned why he did this and not just let the client pay for subcontractors to take it on their risk; "he replied".
“If I do/can not, understand and survey/prove the network, how can I or anyone else for that matter, take responsibility for its protection and functionality”
It was clear on this occasion work, his dedication and just normal process management and professionalism were neither appreciated nor acknowledged, by their commercially driven framework-mindset, which was simply off-setting all risk(s) onto others/subcontractors, yet not understanding the global impact to the project, just happy it was covered by others...
Keevan of course, just went and did it off his own back to audit-trail his findings, and business case it's benefit and inturn protect himself and his company.
Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts (some say 2774 according to his records) at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail
1,000 times?" Edison replied:
"I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light
bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps"
(Thomas Edison)
It was later paraphrased as:
never failed 1000 times; I learned 1000 ways "NOT" to make a light bulb"
everything we do defines our knowledge, skill-set and experience, therefore Keevan explains
to others, making mistakes is never an issue, it is a lesson.
"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new"
(Albert Einstein)
"The only man who never makes mistakes, is the man who never does anything"
(Theodre Roosevelt)
Be calm, be patient, we are all dispensable (different industry agreed, but the same point in life) a lesson.
"It is not that i am so smart, its just that I stay with problems longer"
(Albert Einstein)
Listen to those words, engrave them into your mindset, because to find solutions to your problems you will need do it, "Ketley" thinks-and-thinks until finding the best solution(s)...
"Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn"
(Benjamin Franklin)
Expect to be the "unsung hero" in the M&E industry, and learn to accept it, do not complain, in the main it is merely a small part of life, that some people survive on the work of others.
"Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt"
(Latin translation): "Those who hurry across the sea change the sky upon them, not their souls or state of mind".
(In short, you will learn nothing about life, whilst rushing - focus on the journey, the meaning and the lesson to really feel the state of mind, "Ketley" calls this an "awakening".)
you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then
you never will change the outcome, remember the only person you are
destined to become is the person you decide to be. Keep learning, knowledge and experience is made, whilst mastering patience doing something over-and-over, until it is near second nature to you...
"Don't practise until you get it right, practise until you can't get it wrong"